School Excellence Plan
As a school we are always seeking to improve; to become a better school for our pupils, our staff and our community. Please find below a summary of the key things we are working to improve this year:
- To ensure quality first teaching of reading
- To raise standards of writing
- To develop transcription skills, including SPAG and handwriting
- To develop planning and assessment tools
- To develop oracy across the curriculum
- To develop accountable talk in Let’s think
- To insure consistency in the delivery of the RWI phonics programme
- To raise standards in quality first teaching in mathematics
- To improve standards of problem solving
Early Years
- To develop the writing curriculum across the Early Years phase
- To review the wider curriculum offer and FIT curriculum for Early Years
- To further develop nursery practice including, stimulating learning environments
Christian Foundation
- To embed the school’s Christian Foundation in line with the SIAMS inspection framework
- To develop staff knowledge and understanding around management of challenging behaviour
- To support all staff in the identification, support and delivery of SEND provision
- To review the effective deployment of Teaching Assistants to maximise on their skills and expertise
- To continue to develop and secure the programme of study for science
- To develop and secure the quality of teaching in science
Computing and E-Safety
- To develop the Lower Junior computing curriculum
- To develop consistency in teaching and planning of computing
- To continue to develop control technology in the Upper Junior
- To embed the progression of skills across all year groups
FIT Curriculum
- To continue to develop and embed the principles of the FIT curriculum
- To develop and secure school specific curriculum
- To further embed the Rosenshine principles
Design Technology
- To nurture creativity and innovation through design
- To develop pupils iterative design process
- To develop technical knowledge of tools/equipment to make informed choices in tasks
Physical Education
- To develop consistency in planning and tools to support planning
- To develop a long term map for dance
- To ensure inclusivity in all aspects of PE and Games
- To develop the Early Years music curriculum
- To develop the assessment of music across the whole school
- To develop consistencies in the planning and delivery of all PSHE lessons
- To develop the subject leader documentation for PSHE
- To fulfil the aims of the pupil mental health strategy
- To actively promote and support staff wellbeing
- To use research led approaches to increase the cognitive demand in lessons and retrieval
- To provide staff with a range of tools which can be used across the curriculum