Church School
Through an education rooted in God’s love and grounded in our community through teamship, our children will shape their identity to become aspirational learners, with enquiring minds and deeply held personal values ready to take on their responsibilities; living life in all its fullness as Global Citizens of the future
Hordle Primary School is a church school and at its heart are the values of our Christian Foundation – Learning, Teamship, Aspiration and Identity. We believe that learning and growing in a caring Christian environment will strengthen the values, principles and personal beliefs of our pupils, equipping them for living life in the 21st Century.
In establishing their own journey towards a personal faith, we will equip our pupils with the courage and strength to defend their own beliefs whilst showing tolerance and respect for others.
We understand and do not underestimate the challenges awaiting our pupils growing up in a secular and unsettled society. Through a curriculum rich in discussion and a passion for nurturing enquiring minds, we aim to develop a readiness to challenge all that would constrain the human spirit for example: poverty of aspiration, lack of self-confidence and belief, moral neutrality and indifference, greed, injustice and discrimination.
Whilst we respect that our children may never come to a life of faith, we believe that by nurturing them in an environment where Christian Values are promoted and modelled they will grow up as confident citizens of the future, who are able to contribute to a legacy for future generations with integrity and purpose.
The Church of England’s Vision for Education
The Church Of England set out its Vision for Education, outlining four core strands: Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity. The full Vision document can be found here.
Hordle School’s Christian Values
Hordle School’s response to and interpretation of the Vision for Education, and what this means for the learners and staff in our school can be found here.
The planning and teaching of Religious Education is supported by the following Programmes of Study and resources:
Click on the image below to learn more about our Religious Education Curriculum
Collective Worship is an important and valued part of our school day, and an opportunity for the school community to come together. Worship has a crucial role to play in strengthening our caring Christian environment, where children feel confident, valued and supported.
Collective Worship is structured around four key elements: Gathering, Engaging, Responding, Sending.
The children are regularly given the opportunity to respond and reflect more deeply on a Worship’s theme, within their classes, and these responses are captured in their Class Reflection Book.
At Hordle we value and encourage the use of good manners, through STEP (Sorry, Thank You, Excuse Me, Please). We also make use of STEP as a prompt and structure for prayer during our STEP Prayers Worship time. A link to this prayer prompt can be found here.
At Hordle School we understand the importance of developing the Spirituality of all of our learners. We recognise that this is an ongoing process without a fixed destination and that Spirituality need not be linked to any particular faith.
We aim to provide opportunities, right across the curriculum, for pupils to develop their curiosity, be creative, ask questions, reflect on their experiences and change their perspectives.
Pupils’ Spirituality is encouraged through guided reflection in the following four aspects:
Mirror Moments – A reflection of Ourselves
To gain a better understanding of who we are as individual people. To recognise that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences help to shape us and make us unique.
Door Moments – A reflection of Others
To look at the examples and lessons we can learn from other people. To consider how other people might influence our own thoughts, actions and relationships.
Window Moments – A reflection of Beauty
To have opportunities for awe and wonder. To be inspired by the wonder of life, to marvel at the beauty in the world around us and to experience creativity.
Candle Moments – A reflection of Beyond
To develop our sense of mystery and to reflect on a higher purpose.
Church School Vision Group
Our school is proud of our Church School Vision group (a dedicated and enthusiastic group of Key Stage 2 children) who meet regularly. This group work on a variety of priorities including: Planning and Leading Collective Worship, Monitoring Worship and offering feedback to staff, designing and setting up the school’s prayer space and decorating the Church for End of Term services. Historically, the oldest members of the CSV group have been thrilled to explore the Christian Faith further through a residential visit to Ferny Crofts Centre in Brockenhurst, run by CPAS Venture Holidays.
We are very Lucky to enjoy close links with our local Church. For more information on All Saints’ Church Hordle please click here

All Saints’ Church, Hordle
Click here to visit the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocese Education Pages
We are proud to have close links with Rwandan schools.
The Diocesan Director for Education in Shyogwe Rwanda – Marcel Sebahire visited the school in Summer 2019.
Our headteacher is also part of a Rwandan / UK School Leadership group.

Marcel Sebahire