Photography Guidance
Guidance concerning showing children’s photographs on the website
You will see that there are photographs of the children and their work throughout the website/blog. We feel that a picture is worth a thousand words when showing people what our children do whilst they are at school. The website is an important forum to share our children’s activities, to show them working and playing at school and to showcase the best of their work.
Pictures of children
We will not name the children in the pictures; if captioned, the text with the picture will refer to the child’s class and the activity or work taking place.
Pictures of children’s work
We will identify the child by class and forename, and a surname initial if there is more than one child with that forename in the class.
When your child joins the school, as part of the enrolment process, we ask for your permission to take photographs and to use them on the school website. If at any time you wish to amend the permission please go and see the School Office. Any change in permission needs to be made in writing.